

SmartBuilt4EU (SB4EU) is an EC-funded project coordinated by ECTP that aims to support the innovation ecosystem in the smart buildings value chain through concrete networking and communication actions. Collaborative work…

Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas and this is expected to rise to just over 80 % by 2050 (Source: United Nations (World Urbanisation Prospects) and Eurostat). In addition to demographic…

Different times, a different date: the World Sustainable Energy Days 2021 move to the summer and will be held from 21 to 25 June.

This special edition is planned as a hybrid event: participants can join in Wels/Austria…

The European project SmartBuilt4EU, funded under the H2020 programme, has been launched in October 2020. Its main objective is to consolidate and support the Smart Building Innovation Community, so as to release the full…

FEHRL, the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories, encourages collaborative research into topics such as mobility, transport and infrastructure, energy, environment and resources, safety and security as…