
248 results:
231. Innovation in bio-recycling of old asphalt pavements  
Innovation in bio-recycling of old asphalt pavements BioRePavation The proposed project is to investigate the merits of application of bio-materials from bio-mass in reuse of asphalt pavements. The…  
232. Business models for enhancing funding and enabling financing of infrastructure in transport  
Business models for enhancing funding and enabling financing of infrastructure in transport BENEFIT BENEFIT takes an innovative approach by analysing funding schemes within an inter-related system.…  
233. Use of end-of-life materials, waste and alternative binders as useful raw materials for pavements construction and rehabilitation  
Use of end-of-life materials, waste and alternative binders as useful raw materials for pavements construction and rehabilitation ALTERPAVE Natural aggregates are, right after the water, the most…  
234. Automated and cost effective railway infrastructure maintenance  
Automated and cost effective railway infrastructure maintenance ACEM_RAIL ACEM-Rail project deals with automation and optimisation of railway infrastructure maintenance. It focuses on the track. The…  
235. REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks  
REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks REFINET The objective of REFINET CSA is to create a sustainable network integrating relevant stakeholders’ representatives of all transport modes (road,…  
236. Plug-and-Play product and process innovations for energy-efficient building deep renovation  
Plug-and-Play product and process innovations for energy-efficient building deep renovation P2Endure P2Endure stands for: Plug-and-Play product and process innovations for energy-efficient building…  
237. Open Training and Qualification Platform on nZEB Construction and Renovation  
Open Training and Qualification Platform on nZEB Construction and Renovation PROF/TRAC PROF/TRAC develops and maintains an Open Education Platform for Continuing Professional Development. This…  
238. Registration confirmation  
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239. Elements  
Heading1 Heading2 Heading3 test table1111 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ordered list 1 Ordered list 2  Ordered list 3 Ordered list 3.1 Ordered list 4 unordered 1 unordered 2…  
240. Map of ECTP Members  
Industry members Research Organisations SMEs Other Organisations  
Search results 231 until 240 of 248