Project details



METAclustering for cross-sectoral and cross-border innovation ecosystem BUILDING for the European Construction, Additive Manufacturing and Nature-Based Solutions industrial sectors’ SMEs

Start date: 01.06.2020

Duration: 36 months

Coordinator: NOBATEK/INEF4

Budget: 5.13 M€


The overall objective of the METABUILDING project is to bring innovation to the "traditional" value chain of the Construction sector and at the same time systematically expand that value chain to other industrial actors and sectors as to create an enlarged Built Environment industrial sector.

The METABUILDING project aims at putting SMEs at the heart of a new innovation process to increase their productivity and competitiveness through collaboration with other more innovative, emerging sectors. Furthermore, it will contribute to a new structuring of the Construction sector to enhance collaboration between different EU countries and regions.

METABUILDING will give innovation support to SMEs from 5 industrial sectors: Construction, Additive Manufacturing, ICT, Recycling, and Nature Based Solutions and 6 target countries: Austria / France / Hungary / Italy / Portugal / Spain.

Starting from a bottom-up approach taking into account the innovation needs and barriers of SMEs, a joint roadmap of an enlarged Built Environment value chain will be defined by stakeholders from all 5 sectors and coming from the 6 target countries. This joint road-map will build the basis for the definition of the GROW and HARVEST innovation challenges that will allow to unleash synergies through the cross-sectoral, cross border collaboration of SMEs while increasing their competitiveness and internationalization.

Furthermore, the project will create an Open Innovation platform facilitating the identification of partners, innovative technologies (featuring an Industrial Commons-inspired database of previously developed, EU funded technology assets for insourcing), funding instruments and new markets.

In order to be able to reach out to a maximum of SMEs, the project applies a meta-clustering strategy using the participating national platforms as multipliers to reach the regional clusters and industrial associations in the 6 target countries, helping them gaining critical mass and further structuring their approach to international markets.

List of achievements

The project aims at achieving the following specific impacts:
100+ SMEs supported • 80+ new products & processes • 10 % reduction of water consumption • 30 % reduction of greenhouse gas emissions • 20 % reduction of energy consumption • 15 % reduction of building materials waste • 10 to 25 % increase in SME turnover • 30 % average yearly medium-term productivity growth gain.

The platform's digital tools showcase existing innovative technologies and available funding opportunities for SMEs (more info at

Lessons learnt

To be updated within the course of the project.


Contact person: Claudia Hunziker Keller

