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Affordable Housing Initiative

The Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) was announced in the Commission's renovation wave strategy for Europe, which aims to green buildings, create jobs and improve lives. This strategy intends to at least double renovation rates in the EU by breaking down long-standing barriers to energy and resource-efficient renovation as well as improving reuse and recycling. By 2030, the construction sector could see 35 million renovated buildings and up to 160,000 additional green jobs.

The renovation wave will promote sustained investments, starting with public and less efficient buildings, boosting digitalisation and job creation. The Affordable Housing Initiative ensures that social and affordable housing benefit by piloting 100 lighthouse renovation and construction districts as models for replication across Europe, building partnerships with local actors like SMEs and authorities, and promoting modern construction techniques, renewable energy solutions and community engagement.

The AHI, a flagship of the New European Bauhaus (NEB), promotes sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness by combining energy efficiency with design, liveability, and affordability for a fair green transition. It aligns with the European Pillar of Social Rights, particularly housing assistance, and supports the 2021-2027 cohesion policy by empowering local authorities and allocating 8% of the European Regional Development Fund to sustainable urban development. Additionally, it complements EU initiatives like the NextGenerationEU recovery plan, the REPowerEU plan, and revisions of key energy directives.

Find more information on the Affordable Housing Initiative, the ongoing projects and the Lightouse districts under the affordable housing initiative here.